Ferrarini & Benelli FB03000

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Ferrarini & Benelli FB03000


Ferrarini & Benelli



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TREATER POLIMETAL POLIMETAL/KAPPA PLUS/UNO/CT200/6E/1370 ONE SIDE TREATING UNIT TO TREAT CONDUCTIVE AND NON-CONDUCTIVE FILMS. - Treating width: mm. 1320 - Discharge roll width: mm. 1370 - Diameter of the roll: mm. 197. - Made of stainless steel materials. - Discharge roll diameter 197mm, made of anticorodal aluminium and balanced. Equipped with ENCODER disk having a proximity sensor. Discharge roll coated with CT CERAMIC. - Anodised aluminium housing equipped with n. 6 ceramic electrodes. - AIR GAP adjustment system that acts on the electrode from the outside ensuring fast accurate setting up. - Quick electrode removal system for easy and fast maintenance. - Electrode group with supports placed also in the central part to guarantee an uniform AIR GAP on all length. - High accessibility to the electrode-insulators group thanks to the openable resin door placed on the front part of the treater. - Possibility to thread the material from both ways. - Pneumatic system equipped with air connection 1/4'', manometer, air filter, electro valve and double pneumatic cylinder to assure fast balanced opening / closing. - Security sensors. - Push-button panel for electrodes remote opening/closing. - Signalling of alarm and flow indicator. HIGH TENSION TRANSFORMER THF GENERATOR GTS/12 TMX IGBT - Output power : KW. 10 - Input power : KVA. 11.5 - Operating frequency : KHZ. 12 - 30 - Protection degree : IP43 Length of the cable connecting the generator to the treating unit: 10 m. Please inform if it is different. Three-phases generator. FEATURES: Control system completely digital intergrated, control panel and signalisation with membrane switches, communication display, user-friendly symbology with a clear and simple operability, signalling of alarm in case of absence of suction with auxiliary magnetothermic contact. Alarms and diagnostic: Short circuit, overload, over temperature, ozone suction failure, treatment failure, doors opening, opening pneumatic system, zero speed, remote control on, communication on. STANDARD FUNCTIONS: Stop/start, Constant power control, soft start, sound alarm management, current overload limitation, working frequency display, set and output power display. Manual power control, stop/start minimum speed setting, discharge roll speed recording and display, time/date, up to 50 events stored. SPECIAL FEATURES: Display watt density display (Watt*min/m²) RPV FUNCTION Power regulation RPV as a function of speed (with the possibility of setting endless ramps of proportionality) AUTOSTART MANAGEMENT ELECTRICAL BOARD IEC It is equipped with main switch having the magnetothermic switches with overload cut out to feed the auxiliary switches (fan, geared motor. etc.) REEL CHANGE FUNCTION SUPPLEMENTARY CONTROL FOR OPENING / CLOSING ELECTRODES PILOTED BY PLC OZONE SUCTION FAN 2000 m³/h COMPLETE WITH CONNECTIONS

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Specifications FB03000

Se siete interessati ad macchinari industriali originali Ferrarini & Benelli FB03000, contattate FAMAGA! Fabrica è preparata a raccomandare il prezzo e le modalita di distribuzione più convenienti ai acquirenti di qualsiasi angolo del mondo.

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